Closure of my sole proprietor business - Boya Consultancy Firm

This is to commemorate the closure of my sole proprietor business - Boya Consultancy Firm. 

This is definitely a very difficult decision to make, though my business has only lasted for 3 years and it started in Spring 2020 - 17 March 2020. 

I still remember the date I went to the Inland Department in Wan Chai to apply for the Business Registration document - many people flocked there for a piece of paper which looks like a photocopy of an unimportant document. But this seemingly unimportant A4 size piece of paper has indeed made my business be in place, and it is set in law. 

The business didn't get great public exposure over these 3 years. It solely relied on my friends' referral and some effort on social media - Facebook, Instagram, and friends' word of mouth. It did help some individual clients and small enterprises, or some corporate companies. The balance sheet did have statements of credit and money has been credited to my bank account. 

Boya Consultancy Firm is indeed my new-born baby and she has witnessed my growth in many aspects - unlimited knowledge in webpage design, the use of graphic design software, sales & marketing, personal branding, Public Relations, Customer Relationship, business running strategies, accounting, and many other countless parts. Much effort, lots of thinking and ideas, lots of creativity were sprinkled to give the birth of this firm. I've been proud to be a Director of my little business, and could introduce myself as the business owner of my business. Now I have to put it to an end and let it temporarily rest, until the date that I have saved enough money for another birth of business. Let's not put a full-stop to it but only a semi-colon, signifying that it's not the end of the story but it will continue its life until the end of my day. 

Boya is the Mandarin pinyin of 博雅. 博 means a person is knowledgeable, whereas 雅 means that she's elegant and classic. It is actually a representation of myself, being a knowledgeable and exquisite person, helping my clients to write beautiful pieces to bring powerful impact for their businesses. I do hope that my impact will never cease, and I will definitely keep this spirit in place to let it flourish one day again. Everything stored in my PC will be kept carefully and hopefully, my wish will come true and Boya is reborn again in future. 

三年來的心血、精神的灌注、持續的創作, 需要停一停了,暫時的休息帶來了陣痛,但要走更長的路,便需要資金的扶持。沒有足夠的資金,商業的生命周期也持續不了。就讓這股精神長存,也讓這個小生意暫時休息,讓我在這段時間整裝待發,迎接新的一個未來,未來的「博雅顧問」!


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